Altar Guild
Working under the direction of the priest, the Altar Guild's ministry is to prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards. We care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish and decorate the church during Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas. The Guild also serves at weddings, wedding rehearsals, and funerals. It is a quiet ministry but a very important ministry for someone who likes order and a job well done.
Acolyte/Lay Liturgical Ministers
Worship is central to our life together as a congregation. Acolytes are individuals from 8 to 80+ who serve during our worship services as Crucifer, Torch Bearer, or Server. Liturgical leaders serve as Lectors (reading the lessons), Intercessors (leading the Prayers of the People), servers (preparing the altar for communion), and Chalice bearers (distributing wine during communion). Worship Server Guidelines 2021
Bread Bakers Ministry
Our ministry provides real bread for each Communion service so that communicants are better able to experience the symbolism of the common being made holy by Christ through this hands-on ministry.